Say you have a file with contents:
AABB 7323|Jan 28, 2003|Random Data Here
YZZ 2852|Mar 3, 2007|Data Data
YZZ 2559|Aug 2, 2010|More Data
AABB 2383|Jun 1, 2011|Data Field Data
The following perl script can list the unique key types:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $filename = "testinput.txt";
open (ROWS, "<$filename");
my $delimiter = '\|';
my %values = map {split / /, $_ } keys %{{map { split $delimiter, $_, 2 } <ROWS>}};
my @uniques = keys %values;
print join ("\n", @uniques);
exit 0;
which outputs:
Note: when assign an array to a hash lvalue, the array elements are assign sequentially in key value pairs, since there's no such thing as hash context. see
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