- Download md5summer.tar.gz from http://md5summer.cvs.sourceforge.net/md5summer/ and extract all
- Alternately get source (v1.2.0.05) from http://md5summer.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/md5summer/md5summer/Source/
- Download tpshellshock_1_02_2011-09-08.zip from http://sourceforge.net/projects/tpshellshock/
- Perform installation of ShellShock per the readme.txt, i.e.
- add the tpshellshock_1_02_2011-09-08\source directory to XE2's Tools Options, Delphi Options, Library Path
- open .packages\Delphi XE2\ShellShock Delphi XE2.groupproj in Delphi XE2
- Right click on K102_R160.bpl and compile
- Right click on K102_D160.bpl and install
- If reopening IDE, may need to do Component, Install Packages, then add
c:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\9.0\Bpl\K102_D160.bpl
- Download and install the author's components at http://luke.pascoe.net.nz/tools.html ; also add library ref.
- Open md5summer.dpr to load project
- Compile and run
Note, if you choose not to install the author's components, you will need to make a few edits:
- To remove About components functionality
- open u_About.pas and edit code: remove or delete all references to "Maze" and "Rect"
- right click (RC) md5summer.exe and View Source, then comment out Application.CreateForm(TAbout, About)
- Open u_DoMD5s.pas and comment out these lines:
- BatchGauge: TGauge;
- FileGauge: TGauge;
- Remove "Guage" from uses
- Open u_DoMD5s.dfm
- drag two TGauge's from Samples in the Tool Palette to the form under Batch and File labels
- name the top one BatchGauge and the bottom one FileGauge
- in u_DoMD5s.pas, search and replace all "Gauge.Position" with "Gauge.Progess"
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