CodeIgniter like most CMS's and their underlying frameworks assumes entities are mapped to tables in relational databases. MyEDB presumes the MyEDB model of data (
CodeIgniter like most (PHP based) CMS's assumes the view (in the MVC pattern) is composed of templates in the form of PHP files (some CMS's use non-PHP files but are nonetheless PHP interpretable in some form) which are passed parameters ala Smarty. MyEDB uses XSLT.
CodeIgniter allows the user/developer to invoke a single entry point to the system through a single controller class action pair. MyEDB allows the client to invoke a series of class action pairs, in essence multi-action controllers (maybe like Spring multiactioncontrollers? but more specifically multiple controllers) to be executed iteratively in sequence through the HTTP posting of appropriately named array variables, specifically class method pairs.
In CodeIgniter (and Zend Framework, and CakePHP, and... you get the picture) the view is an intrinsic component of the controller (defeating the notion of controller view independence). In MyEDB, the "view" is abstracted from the "controller" by a series of processing steps (see image below), ensuring total flexibility. In short, in MyEDB you are not chained down to a single way of doing things from an MVC perspective!
MyEDB Source
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