AWG Blogs

Monday, December 3, 2012

Finding Collapsed Groups in DataGrid

This question came up here, which I found when searching a solution to same problem.

Here is some code that solves this issue:

            List<string> grpItems = new List();
            string groupby = "";
            foreach (var control in dataGrid1.GetVisuals().OfType<DataGridRowGroupHeader>())

                var tog = XamlUtils.FindVisualChild<ToggleButton>(control);
                var context = control.DataContext as CollectionViewGroup;
                string nm = context.Name.ToString();
                bool? chk = tog.IsChecked;
                if (chk != null && (bool)chk)
                groupby = control.PropertyName;

The methods in XamlUtils are FindVisualChild and GetVisuals which can be found at and respectively.
Note: To get this to work, for some reason, it required removal of any filters on the PagedCollectionView.