Replace nested-if's with proper exception-handling
" Why handle exceptions separately:
■ Handling exceptions separately enables you to define the main logic of
code together.
■ Without the use of sepa...
Replacing null checks
This article introduces some patterns for replacing the "old" null-check
I.e. instead of:
if (value != null) { doSomething(value); }
CoR compared to Pipe and Filter
Java World implies the pipes-and-filters architectural style described by
Software systems often employ the equivalent of pipes (e.g., email filter...
Getting ADB Working for SPH-M840
Had a SPH-M840 Galaxy Ring Virgin Mobile 3G Android version 4.1.2,
attempting to install apps from Android Studio failed to detect device.
Installed SAMSUN...
Flyweight vs Singleton
Implementations seems to be virtually identical, differing only in style,
where the flyweight object is created and held by associated objects
init-param vs context-param
for background. Gist:
context-param variables are global and accessible thro...
rbenv vs RVM
RVM is responsible not only for changing Ruby versions, but for installing
rubies and managing gemsets, as well.
...Along with rbenv [to manage ruby versi...
Emulated storage works to express an actual file path against the symlink of your device’s storage. It can express both the internal memory and the external SD card. A symlink is used in computing to expressed to mean a symbolic link.
When you go to transfer your files from the pen drive to your Android device or move files from one type of storage to the other, you might see an emulated storage folder is being shown as the main folder.So, what is storage emulated meaning on Android?
You might be wondering what it is and why it is shown when it was supposed to show internal storage or external storage card name. Well, in this article, we are going to tell you more about this emulated storage and also what does different kinds of emulated storage mean on Android.
Emulated storage works to express an actual file path against the symlink of your device’s storage. It can express both the internal memory and the external SD card. A symlink is used in computing to expressed to mean a symbolic link.
ReplyDeleteWhen you go to transfer your files from the pen drive to your Android device or move files from one type of storage to the other, you might see an emulated storage folder is being shown as the main folder.So, what is storage emulated meaning on Android?
You might be wondering what it is and why it is shown when it was supposed to show internal storage or external storage card name. Well, in this article, we are going to tell you more about this emulated storage and also what does different kinds of emulated storage mean on Android.