AWG Blogs

Saturday, November 5, 2011

MOSS - Fix "subsite1 is already in use" Error

I created a Site collection, selecting the default Team Site Collaboration template. I then logged into the new site and attempted to create a subsite "subsite1" for which I selected the "News Site" Publishing template. This produced the following error: "sharepoint server publishing infrastructure feature must be activated". So then I activate this feature in the Site Collection Features page. I then go back and create subsite1. This gave me the error "The Web site address "/subsite1" is already in use. Funny that apparently the site was created despite the non-activated feature (bug -- probably fixed by now).

To fix, just go to the site collection root site, then Site Settings, Site hierarchy, click Manage next to subsite1 (e.g.), then click Delete this site.

Now I can create that site called subsite1. Moss 2007.