AWG Blogs

Sunday, August 23, 2009

IIS 7 and Permissions Quirks

I just enabled IIS 7 on Windows Vista SP 2 and enable FastCGI. I create a new website and point it to a folder under my Documents folder with a test.php file. I open the page http://localhost/test.php in IE and get:

HTTP Error 401.3 - Unauthorized
You do not have permission to view this directory or page because of the access control list (ACL) configuration or encryption settings for this resource on the Web server.

Ok, so I add IIS_IUSRS to folder ACL, but that doesn't fix it. I then added the Users group to the ACL and that fixes it. Strange indeed because my user account is already in the ACL and I'm in the Administrators group, which is also already in the site folder ACL. Now I just have to wonder whether this is a Windows bug, or whether there's some other user under the Users group that's being impersonated by some process. Hmmmmm.